Alkalising assists weight loss
Weight loss and an Alkaline body go hand in hand.
As we are progressing in society, becoming more educated by the media, books and publications we are coming to realize very quickly that to look better we must feel better internally. This does not have to be an austere task, such as becoming a yogi, but it does require a genuine enthusiasm to create optimal personal health. Alkalising assists weight loss on the hCG program and by doing so is going to facilitate a better outcome.
In its simplicity, create alkalinity in the body and you have created a harmonious ground for your organs to live and thrive. By increasing the body’s pH (potential Hydrogen) we are ultimately increasing the oxygen in the body thus bringing more nutrients to nourish each and every cell. This then creates a greater sense of wellbeing on all levels of our existence. You would therefore be encouraging more of an anti-oxidant state in the body just by the food you eat and the way you eat it. As you may know anti-oxidants are the key ingredients to anti-aging.
On the hCG program, alkalising assists weight loss.
Because it is highly beneficial to counteracting an acidic state created by the program. Supplements such as Basica, spirulina and general alklising agents are beneficial to be taking whilst on the hCG program.
The reason our society is becoming aware of the importance of anti-oxidants is because of the increase in the usage of pesticides, preservatives, food acids, sugar and common salt, these are all a contributing factor to the deterioration of our health. These substances consumed on a regular basis will cause metabolic acidosis, which plays a major role in many degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and growth retardation, to name only a few. If you have any sort of chronic pain in the body you can bet your body is in quite an acidic state.
As we get older our ability to maintain an alkali state naturally becomes difficult as our body does not automatically do this as research has proved (S.M.Lark from Stamford University Med School).
We can choose to increase an alkaline state in the body by the foods and beverages we consume on a daily basis and the modalities available to help guide us and fasten the pace to alkalinity, it will be our best insurance to a happy healthy life.
To discuss this further with a qualified naturopath email or phone 07 5435 8688